"Lately it occurs to me, what a long strange trip it's been...." -- Grateful Dead Miriam Webster defines journey as: something suggesting travel or passage from one place to another. When you consider ...
Why Progress is More Important Than Perfection!
Don’t get so focused on perfection that you lose sight of your progress! Subscribe to my channel for more plank, handstand, and fashion inspiration! 🙋♀️ Sign up for my blog ...
My Perfectly Imperfect Handstand
"The goal is progress, not perfection." -- Kathy Freston I was actually a little disappointed when I first saw this handstand photo. In my mind, it was a straight up and ...
How Planks Make Monday Magnificent!
Need a little kickstart on Monday? Planks have a way of making Mondays magnificent! Subscribe to my blog for your free pdf on how to work up to 5 Minute ...
The Magic of Tipping with $2 Bills
"Good things happen when you meet strangers." -- Yo-Yo Ma Growing up, I took $2 bills for granted. My father enjoyed handing them out for birthdays and other occasions, while my ...
Corduroy: The Coolest Cold Weather Fabric
"As a kid, I had a sailor shirt and the same old corduroy pants, and that's what I wanted to wear everyday." -- Patti Smith It's been called "the poor man's ...