"Fashion is like eating; you shouldn't stick to the same menu." -- Kenzo Takada If you want to change up your menu for fall, try adding a shacket! In case you ...
Why I’m Still Wearing Jeans (and Other Regular Clothes) During Quarantine
"I know what makes me happy. I pick the clothes that make me happy -- sometimes people like them, sometimes they don't. I try to listen to my own internal ...
What I Learned from Ground Beef
"We often take for granted the very things that most deserve our gratitude." - Cynthia Ozick Yesterday, I put on my coat and shoes and announced to my husband that I ...
Springing Forward — One Watch at a Time
"Jewelry isn't really my thing, but I've always got my eye on people's watches." -- Clive Owen It's only twice a year, but it takes some time, you know, to set ...